A warm welcome from The Pastoral Team! Please find below information about our team, and our Designated Safeguarding Team. Additionally you will see some useful links and information at the bottom of this page.
Hi, I'm Beth Sutton, Gosden's Child and Family Support Worker.
It is my role to safeguard and provide pastoral care to the children and young people across the school. I also work closely with professionals in and outside the school, signposting and supporting families to access other key agencies and support where needed, including; Early Help, CAMHS and voluntary and charity organisations. I first worked at Gosden House as a Teaching Assistant, and have returned following further training and experience, developing my skills and knowledge in working alongside children and their families.
If you need support or have any concerns, please feel free to contact me at bsutton@gosden-house.surrey.sch.uk.
I work Monday to Thursday.
Hi, I'm Jane Cowles, Gosden's Pastoral Assistant, supporting the work of Beth Sutton (HSLW) in the Pastoral Team
. Many of you may already know me, as I have been a Teaching Assistant here for the last 8 years. My role is to provide support for children and their families with worries outside the classroom and to work closely with Beth and the Teachers across the school. We are aware that for lots of reasons, there are many challenges to families currently. If you have any concerns or need support, please feel free to phone the school and ask for me, or contact me on my email address:
I work from Monday to Wednesday.
We can both be reached via pastoral@gosden-house.surrey.sch.uk or by calling 01483 892008
Rebecca Smale, Head Teacher - Lead DSL
Emily Mainwaring, Deputy Head
Max Valentino, Assistant Head
Beth Sutton, Child & Family Link Support Worker
email: safeguarding@gosden-house.surrey.sch.uk
Young Carers' Support
A ‘young carer’ is a young person who provides ongoing care to a sibling, parent or significant other family member. This can be someone diagnosed, long term/chronic illness, physical or learning difficulty, mental ill health or substance/alcohol dependency. At Gosden House, we also recognise young carers who may be caring for someone with a short-term need and also young people who need to extensively care for themselves. We recognise that the additional needs of our pupils add a complexity and challenge for their roles as young carers.
When a young person looks after someone in their family, they may need a little extra support to help them get the most out of school. We will help any pupil who helps to look after someone at home.
Our school has designated members of staff who have special responsibility for young carers. Do get in touch if you would like any more information or support.
Beth Sutton bsutton@gosden-house.surrey.sch.uk
Jo McGee jmcgee@gosden-house.surrey.sch.uk
You can find some more help and advise by following this link: https://www.actionforcarers.org.uk/who-we-help/young-carers-under-18/ Surrey Young Carers, part of charity Action for Carers Surrey, has been supporting young carers since 1996. A young carer is someone under the age of 18 who provides ongoing, unpaid care for a sibling, parent, or other family member.
They offer free, impartial information and support to young carers and their families on minimising the impact of their caring role. They also provide free workshops, forums, fun activities and groups. They give young carers time out from caring and help them to achieve their full potential. For more, please visit https://www.actionforcarers.org.uk/syc
Some useful links, numbers:
Sleep advice and support
Sleep tips Our Sleep Tips booklet
Importance of Oral Hygiene
Keeping children safe online:
Concern about a child:
For any child and family worries for which you may need additional support or advice you can request it by contacting the Surrey Children’s Single Point of Access Team on 0300 470 9100 and press 1 and then option required.
Domestic abuse:
For support and advice about domestic abuse, mental health or safety in the home:
01483 776 822
Child Sexual Abuse link: https://theflyingchild.com/links/
Mental health support:
Mindworks – Providing children, young people, families and carers with information about services, advice and resources. Includes how to ask for help in a crisis via the 24/7 crisis line: 0800 915 4644.
Financial worries and debt:
Christians Against Poverty (CAP)
0800 328 0006
Money Helper
Free guidance on financial matters and money troubles.
0800 011 3797
Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)
0800 144 8848
Family Voice Surrey
01372 705708
Email: contact@familyvoicesurrey.org
Family Information Service
Please find below some other useful support websites
June 2022
Surrey Atlas which is a group for children and young people with additional needs and disabilities living in Surrey came into school. They meet regularly to help bring about changes in Surrey that affect young people with SEND. It is a great way for our young peoples’ voices to be heard but also offers up lots of fun and social opportunities which are free!
Please look at the links below to see some of the things that they get up to.
https://www.facebook.com/SurreyATLASYouthAdvisors https://www.instagram.com/surreyatlas/
If you would be interested in your young person getting involved with Atlas, please do let your class teacher know as we are happy to support in helping with the joining process.
Other useful sites
- Beacon House Home (beaconhouse.org.uk)
- Mind Works Surrey This site provides children, young people, families and carers with information about services, advice and resources. Includes how to ask for help in a crisis via the 24/7 crisis line.
- Childnet
https://www.childnet.com/ - Childline
https://www.childline.org.uk/ - Kooth
https://kooth.com/ - NSPCC
https://www.nspcc.org.uk/ - CYP Haven
Welcome to CYP Haven